Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Importance of Childhood Friendship

Friendship has a great impact on how a person grows up to be. A good friend helps us see our capabilities without any judgment. Whether it is the days where we burn brighter than the sun or the days we collapse to the ground, we can always count on this special someone.

As one of the best ICSE prep schools in Patiala, at Kaintal Prep School, we understand the importance of childhood friendship and how it helps in uplifting a person both mentally and emotionally. Here are a few points on why childhood friendship is important.

Emotional and Social Development:

When a child finds someone he can rely on, it helps his emotional and social development. He can judge whether the friend supports his growth or is there to push him down. Thus, preparing the child for the type of people he will meet in the future.


The child while entering his classroom knows that his friend will be there to help him get through the day. This instills positivity and he is able to concentrate better. Having a friend by your side boosts happiness and helps you increase your confidence.

Developing Identity and Communication Skills:

While discovering what a friend means to a child, he is able to identify his own personality. He gets to know what are the needs and wants of the other person which helps him enhance his communication skills as well.

Here are a few tips for parents to encourage a healthy friendship in their child’s life:

• Start with making your child aware of other people’s feelings and wants. Make him know the importance of sharing.

• Children lead with examples. If you make sure you demonstrate a perfect example on how you coordinate with your friends your child is likely to follow your footsteps.

• Let your kid know the importance of politeness. Tell him that people will appreciate him more when he is being generous taking other people’s feelings into consideration.

• If there is someone in particular who is important to your child, appreciate and encourage that friendship.

Counted amongst the top ten schools in Patiala, in Kaintal Prep School, we foster an environment that encourages our students to mix well with their classmates and help them enhance their communication skills in order to build friendships that they cherish forever. 

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Teacher Relationship: A Timeless Bond

“Teachers, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided mere life, while the former ensures a good life.”  -Aristotle

Just like how a school is considered our second home, teachers are in the place of our parents while we are at school. We spend more time with them in a day as compared to our parents. Therefore, it becomes very obvious that we develop a special bond with our teachers.

The way a child is nurtured shows on his/her performance. We at Kaintal Prep School, one of the best preparatory schools in Patiala, know the importance of the bond between a student and teacher in early childhood education.

When effective learning is imparted a powerful relationship between a child and his mentor can be built. While a few kids grasp everything quickly, some might find learning difficult. These kids need special care and, thus, it puts more responsibility on a teacher’s shoulder. A teacher is like a sculptor who molds a child into the best version of himself and the key to a caring relationship is communication. When a child confides in his mentor, he is able to put across his ideas and opinions. It is equally important for a teacher to provide him with positive feedback.

This instills a sense of emotional understanding between a child and his teacher. Students feel that they will be guided without any judgment and it helps them develop love and respect for their teachers. Research has shown that positive teacher-student relationships help a child build strong self-esteem and has a large impact on the overall development of the child.

Knowing the importance of teacher-student bond in effective learning we must assure that the teachers and students connect well with each other.

At Kaintal Prep School, topping the list of best ICSE schools in Patiala, we understand the positive and lasting effect that teacher-student bond has on the children, and do all the necessary things to induce such productive relationships in the classroom.  

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Every Child Needs a Little Care!

A child’s mind is as fragile as glass. Even a soft blow can put cracks on it. One of the basic thing adults needs to understand is that each child is special in his own way and deserves to be loved. When kids feel that they are not being cared for, they tend to get lonely and anti-social.

We all live busy lives, but as a parent, we need to keep our kids in a loop so that they do not feel neglected and grow up to be emotionally unstable. Children who live in a caring environment grow up to be healthy both mentally and physically. While on the other hand kids growing up in an abusive environment tend to become alienated, anti-social and have low self-esteem.

As one of the best ICSE prep schools in Patiala, Kaintal Prep School has come up with a list of things you can do to make your child feel loved and cared for:

Show Affection

Do not hesitate in showing your kids how important they are in your life. Even if you are tired, make sure you spend some time together.

Pay Attention to Them

Whether it is some cartoon character or a hobby, make sure to keep a check on what your kids like. When your child feels like you are keen in their life, it makes them feel appreciated and wanted. Being interested in their life and activities makes them feel that they can confide in you.

Keep Your Mobiles Away

Kids go from telling you what their day at school was like to what activities they performed. Listen to them. They will feel wanted and thus will reciprocate same when you try to talk to them. If you are always on the phone, it will put the impression that you are not interested in their life.

Encourage Your Children

Instead of taking decision for them, let them handle it and encourage them when they choose a certain path. It will help them realize what they want and they will, in turn, act responsibly. They’ll make sure to include you while taking a decision.

Correct Them With Love

While many parents feel that hitting their kid will teach him a lesson they forget about its negative impact. Make them understand with love and affection so that they don’t feel scared while sharing their problems with you in future.

As one of the prestigious preparatory schools in Patiala, we believe that it is important to mould our children at an early stage, in a way that will help them prosper in the future.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Managing Screen Time

Screen time refers to the time that is spent using gadgets like mobiles, laptops, video consoles, television, etc. The time your child spends using these gadgets can have both benefits and risks. It has been advised that children should not spend more than an hour watching television or videos on mobile phones. Despite this, parents, in order to complete their daily chores and avoid their children from fussing let them indulge in such activities, which in turn has a bad effect on their health and behavior as well. When you limit screen time, your child has more time to read, play outdoors or socialize with other kids.

As one of the best ICSE preparatory schools in Patiala, we at Kaintal Preparatory School, make sure you manage your child’s screen time through the following tips:

Set Guidelines:

You can either control the time period of them glaring at these screens, or limiting it to a few days in a week. This will give them a chance to get familiar with outdoor games and help them enhance their need to get social.

Avoid Using these Gadgets while You are with Them:

A child grasps whatever is shown to him in a nick of time. If you are on your phone in front of your child, it's likely to build curiosity in him as to what is keeping you so interested. Instead, read a book in front of them, that will encourage them to read. Comics should be the easy replacement for phones or tablets.

Digital Detox:

While eating or discussing things with your family, make sure everybody avoids using phones. This will instill a sense of togetherness. Also, while on vacations this detox should be considered for a longer period of time.

Parental Control:

What a child sees can affect his behavior. Communicate the adverse effects of violent games or series that he is indulging in.

No to Social Media: 

In the developing stage of a child, he is unaware of what all is going on around him. It is difficult for him to differentiate between who to avoid and who to talk to behind the screen. He might share his personal details with unknown people. Therefore, when you think your child is ready to take responsibility for his actions, only then introduce him to Social Media.


Make your child aware of all the risks that come with inappropriate screen time. Children often are unaware of what is real and what is not, luring them towards hoaxes and scams. 

As one of the well known preparatory schools in Patiala, we believe the mind of children at their young stage can be molded the way you want to. Therefore start these practices as early as possible.

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