Thursday, March 28, 2019

Impact of Technology on Young Minds

Technology has evolved significantly, there is a shift to mobile phones as a toy for kids these days. There are some wonderful and important advantages to how technology is beneficial for kids that parents must learn to embrace to connect with their children and prepare them for the new digital world. 

Here are some of the positive outcomes of technology among kids that Kaintal Prep School, one of the best ICSE Schools in Patiala lists:

Medium of Teaching

Some topics are difficult for adults to explain to children which might lead to children being unclear about many topics. There is a vast amount of content available such as interactive videos for kids on a number of topics which make learning fun for the children and easier for the adults to explain a topic to a child. 

Effective Learning Tool

The internet has a vast pool of information from where a child can learn new things. Kids could step into virtual reality and experience instead of learning through words on pages. Illustrations in books for our eyes to read and might be forgotten by the child but the use of audio-visual medium leaves a greater impact on the kids. 

Overall Development of a Child 

Some video games aid in the children’s mental development as they encourage strategic and critical thinking. This kind of thinking can lead the kids to innovative ideas and expand horizons of thinking. Children can learn about basic things such as numbers and colours or animals without anyone else teaching them. 

Enhances Creativity

Young minds have big imaginations which are too big to be contained on a pen and paper. Technology gives children a platform to get those ideas out and into a conveyable form through computers and tablets which turn their thoughts into reality.

Kaintal Prep School, counted among top ICSE Schools in Patiala, recommends that children should use technology wisely under the supervision of parents to avoid its negative repercussions as continuous exposure to technology might cause headaches, eye strain, a problem in focusing and sleep problems. 

Friday, March 22, 2019

How to Create a Positive Classroom Community

Classrooms can be various types but what is essential that they radiate positivity for the students to feel comfortable and express themselves. A classroom is a place for a child to gain knowledge, how they feel in this space plays a big part in how they approach education as they grow up.

Kaintal Prep School, being the best ICSE prep school in Patiala, have come up with below mentioned guide on how a teacher can ensure that the classroom becomes a safe space for students to grow in.

Encourage Collaboration

Classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse with time and communication between students is essential. It's only when students work with one another that they are able to practice tolerance from an early age.

Use Names While Addressing Students 

Names play a huge part in how we identify with ourselves as we grow up. Encouraging students to address each other with their names is essential and also creates a platform for students with hard to pronounce names feel comfortable.

Using Please and Thank-you

These words show appreciation and respect to the students. Using them in our daily exchanges shows how important it is to respect one's surroundings and the people around. Furthermore, these words are extremely positive by nature.

Do Not Allow any Kind of Bullying/Teasing

As a teacher, you need to make sure that you create a safe space for students to fit in so that they can take risks from the beginning without the fear of judgment. 

Encourage Honest Feedback

There is a big difference in giving children positive feedback and being mean about the feedback. A child if given constructive feedback from the beginning handles rejection much better in the later stages of their life.

Counted among the best preparatory schools in Patiala, we aim to create a positive classroom in our schools so as to ensure the best performance by our students.

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Knowledge Tree

A child’s growth and development begins in the formative years of education. It is therefore important for a child to get the right kind of education and practical exposure. Learning is beyond four walls of a classroom. As kids are curious learners, they need to be exposed to practical learning experiences to broaden their horizons of thinking.

At Kaintal Prep School, one of the top ICSE schools in Patiala, we have a knowledge tree for our curious learners, and here is a look through to some of its branches: 

Learning through Visual Aids

Studying in the monotonous environment of pencils, paper, chalks, and blackboard every day will eventually kill a child’s curiosity and interest. Illustration of practical implications of subjects like science and maths through visual aids and fun activities not only breaks the monotony but helps them understand and learn better. 

Cultural Visits

Visits to the museums, zoos, and other cultural heritage sites so that the students get a dose of the practicality of what they read in books. It gives the children a taste of how things look in reality. These visits can foreshadow a child’s interest in a field as it arouses curiosity among the children to learn more about a particular subject.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Extracurricular activities such as painting, sports, art, and dance help children explore their creative talents. It boosts self- esteem of a child by letting them figure out how they are different from others. Extracurricular activities also act as a mood lifter for the students when they do something apart from academics. 

Fun Games

Preschool’s fun games are more than just fun for children and are an important part in developing life skills in them. Games such as building blocks, clay making, and puzzles inculcate skills such as problem-solving, thinking skills, teamwork which prepares them for the future. 

Being amongst the best schools in Patiala, we try to give our students the right exposure under this knowledge tree so that their knowledge is not only restricted to books and helps in overall development of a child. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Emotional Needs of A Child

Parents know whether their child is hungry or cold. These are some basic physical needs of a child. However, sometimes parents might say stuff that impacts the emotional state of their child. It could have a negative impact on the way he thinks or behaves. As one of the best ICSE prep schools in Patiala, Kaintal Prep School, has come up with a few points on how to cater to a child’s emotional needs.


When your child is struggling with his studies ensure him that he can do better instead of scolding him. Tell him that it is okay to keep trying in order to succeed. Make use of various resources that can help him do better.


If you see your child perform well show some appreciation. This will help him work better. Your words play an important role in building your child’s self-esteem.

Spending Quality Time Together

Each day your child waits for you to come home from the office after a long day. Make sure you spend some quality time with him. You can either play with him or read him a bedtime story. It will make him realize that he is loved and wanted.

Allow them to Interact with Other Children

It is important for a child to interact with others to gain confidence. Do not restrict him from playing with other children. Children learn various things when they are together.

Accept Their Feelings

Give your child the freedom to express his feelings. If he is upset, let him take his time. Sometimes children just want to know that they have the freedom to express themselves.

Avoid Criticism or Comparison

Do not be harsh while pointing out his mistakes. Unhealthy criticism can make them feel worthless. Make sure you react positively, even if you feel like your child needs to improve. Also, do not compare your child with other kids.

As one of the renowned preparatory schools in Patiala, we at Kaintal Prep School, know how fragile children can be when they are growing up. It is important that we take control of our actions, so we do not hurt our children.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Helping Students Come Out of Their Shell

Introverts are those who find happiness in solitude. They find deeper meaning in a situation that may not be such a big deal for others. Sometimes they may feel exhausted when they are in a group of people and prefer to stay alone in order to refill the energy. When a classroom has a few of such kids, a teacher should acknowledge this fact and pay equal attention to them.

Here are a few tips from the best ICSE prep school in Patiala, Kaintal Prep School, on how to help introverted children participate in classrooms:

Create Awareness

You need to make your class aware of the introvert and extrovert traits so that they are able to understand themselves better. It becomes useful for them to learn about different behavioral patterns and to accept each other's individuality.

Customize Activities with Respect to Each Child

Not every child likes to be in the limelight. It becomes better for kids to involve in a classroom when their needs are being catered.

Help them Enhance their Creativity

While introverts are not socially active, they may show creativity in numerous other ways, such as drawing or writing. Acknowledge it and help them get better at it. 

Try to Connect with Introverts

Make warm gestures towards them without invading their personal space. Let them know that you are there for them if they ever want your help.

Teach Kids to Think First

Each child processes information and ideas that are different from the others. Teach students to think before answering. This gives plenty of time for an introvert to think of an appropriate answer.

Integrate Technology

While extroverts put forward their ideas in front of others, introverts may find it quite difficult. Therefore, integrate technology in the classroom to help them engage better in class. You may make them see important videos that help them connect better. 

As one of the top schools in Patiala, we at Kaintal Prep School, believe that it is important for us to accept that all children are not alike. It is important for us to give them some room to grow on their own.

Why Arts Education is Crucial for 21st Century Skills | Best ICSE Prep Schools in Patiala

  The importance of arts education for kindergarten students cannot be overstated. While often overlooked in favor of more traditional subje...