Monday, April 29, 2019

Indoor Recess Ideas for Kindergarten

It might sound off to break the old age rhythm of the much-needed running-around time, an indoor recess can actually be beneficial. It can help kids build social skills, improve teamwork, cooperation, and sharing. At Kaintal, among the best schools in Patiala ensure kids get time for creative play and free choice. And, also teaches kids to choose activities and to use their time wisely.

Paint, Color, Draw

Provide them with no instructions, most kids exactly know how to enjoy their free art time and what to do. All you need to provide them with is lots of paper, colored pencils, crayons, markers, paint and all sorts of art supplies.

Fold Some Origam

Origami is a fun and stress free-way to bring out the creative side out of the kids. There is ample of videos and material available that teach students the art of paper folding into shapes. Just make sure to have paper available and just throw on a paper party!

Have a Dance Party

Having fun at a dance party inside can be a great way to familiarize kids and make them comfortable. Just put on those dancing shoes and turn on any child-friendly music and boogie away the recess time.

Play Indoor Hopscotch

Hopping the recess time away! A great way to create a hopscotch grid is to use tapes on the carpet or tile. And substitute using stones with crumpled up paper.

Indoor Board Games- Like Jenga

Jenga is a great fun game that combines logical skills and cooperation. Instills great endurance and focus in the young minds and doesn’t create a ruckus. 

Kaintal Prep, the best ICSE prep school in Patiala takes each day to make learning a valuable and enriching experience for the kids. And thus, we try to incorporate the non-conventional learning ideas with the day to day activities to maximize the growth.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Game Based Learning

Game based learning is an approach where students explore relevant aspect of games in a learning context. A game-based learning application draws students into virtual environments that look and feel familiar and relevant.

Kaintal Prep School, best school in Patiala gives you list of why game based learning is important for students:

Increases a Child’s Memory Capacity

A lot of games often revolve around the using memory especially in the games where children have to remember aspects in order to solve the game, track narrative elements or memorize critical sequences.

Helps in Problem-Solving

Most games require children to think quickly which develops their fast strategic thinking. Moreover, they have to use logic to solve a problem and think three steps ahead and complete levels. It is important for children later in life as they develop their logic and their accuracy.

Builds Skill

Certain aspects of games help children with specific skills such as cognitive, social and physical skills simultaneously. In an integrated learning environment, interactive games enhance life skills like cooperation and teamwork of kids. Physical skills such as hand-eye coordination are also acquired by the students from game based learning.

Immediate Feedback

Both the learners and educators benefit from the immediate feedback while playing a game. The quickfeedback helps kids realize if they made a good decision or not. The teachers get rapid feedback by watching how the children engage and react.  Children also have the freedom to make mistakes and experiment in a safe environment while playing games.

Cognitive Growth

Children perform cognitive actions such as remembering the rules, and recalling how the sequence of play works while playing the same game again. They use their strategic thinking skills, including using logic to take decisions and to plan ahead by predicting about what might happen next.

Thus, game based learning is more effective and interactive than book learning. We, at Kaintal Prep School, preparatory schools in Patiala encourage game-based learning.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Teaching Sight Words – An Easier Route

Using sight words can be of great help if one wishes to instill phonic instructions in their students. We, at Kaintal, among the Best ICSE Schools in Patiala aim at delivering what’s best for your child’s overall growth and thus enhancing the learning process. Introducing the students with phonics is a great method for them to help learn read in general, while sight words instruction increases the familiarity with the high-frequency words he might encounter.

Here are a few things to keep in mind if you wish to instill the use of sight words in the student’s curriculum:

• Create a Tune or A Story

Children are a big fan of stories and anything made up. As an educator, this can be an added benefit for you. Curating a story in a way that it delivers what you want to educate the student adds up to an enriching growth of the student.

• Find A Printed Version of The Same

Students getting to visualize something that they hear is an absolutely great way to make something stay in their minds. Also, this makes an everlasting impact and thus ensures a holistic growth.

• Use Games

Using games are a great tool to keep the students involved and intrigued into learning something new. Indulging the students into games ensures there is an element of fun whilst learning.

• Keep Revising Old and New Words Simultaneously

As humans, we tend to forget things easily. And students, learning something new with each passing day, it gets a task to keep up with the dynamics. Teachers should ensure that they keep the students in a loop with the old and the new learnings simultaneously.

• Flash Cards

They are quick, they are flashy. As the name suggests, flash cards are a great way to depict the information in a visual format. This is a great way as budding learners for students to connect to the subject.

Learning is an ongoing process and it must never stop, thus we at Kaintal ICSE Prep school in Patiala aim to deliver the best for you and your child to prepare them at par with the dynamics of the world.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Introducing Pattern Writing

Patterns are crucial for a child to recognize objects from daily activities. We find patterns in everything from nature to music which allows us to develop our skills in critical and logical thinking. The first thing a child learns is how to hold a pencil when you admit him in a pre-school. After that, the teacher will introduce him to pattern writing.

With the help of pattern writing, your child will learn how to write the different alphabets. Kaintal Prep School, listed as one of the best preparatory schools in Patiala, has come up with a brief introduction to pattern writing.

Pattern writing helps your child put cognitive thinking into work along with hand-eye coordination. The lines that a child draws helps him form letters easily. 

Below is the list of pattern a child learns at the pre-school:

• Standing and sleeping lines: Standing and sleeping lines help your child write alphabets such as E, F, H, I, L, and T. 

• Slanting lines: Alphabets such as A, M, V, and W are made to practice using movements of slanting lines (/).

Curves: Letters such as U, Q, C, and O are made using curves. 

Letters such as P, B, and D are made to draw by mixing these four patterns with one each other. When you are teaching your child, it is crucial to tell him the direction that he needs to follow while practicing each letter. For example, you are teaching your child to write D, draw a standing line starting from top to bottom and then add a curve to its right. Before you begin, draw broken lines denoting each pattern so that your child traces over it and is able to grasp the concept. When you are sure that he is able to draw on his own, write letters with broken lines so that he traces those and understands each letter. 

As the top ICSE prep school in Patiala, at Kaintal Prep School, we make sure our students get an education that helps them outshine others in each and every sphere of life.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Importance of Classroom Routines

Routines in the classroom are to ensure that the things that need to be done each day are accomplished successfully without any interruptions and disruptions. It creates an organised and secure environment for the students.

Let's take a look at the importance of teaching classroom routine at Kaintal Prep School, one of the best preparatory schools in Patiala in order to get a sense of the effort that goes into maintaining disciple in a class:

·       Behaviour Management

If students are aware of what is expected out of them, there are fewer chances of them misbehaving. They will focus on following their everyday tasks when they have things to do instead of misbehaving or messing around with other students.

·       Saves Time and Effort

A classroom routine is a teacher's primary labour-saving devices as it doesn’t waste a teacher’s time in controlling noise, milling around, and time wasting on the part of students and nagging on the part of a teacher.

·       Responsibility

A set routine gives the students a sense of responsibility. Sticking to the daily routines is a higher responsibility for a toddler to follow and they try to become proficient in it. Having a sense of responsibility improves a child’s self- esteem.

·       Classroom Management

    Important routines such as attendance, homework collection, announcements are necessary for classroom management at the start of class. When students are engaged in a task, they are less likely to misbehave.

·       Proper Evaluation of a Child

If the students aren’t instructed to submit their work properly and on time, it can lead to classroom disruptions or grading issues. If students have paper copies instead of notebooks, there is the possibility of lost papers.

At Kaintal Prep School, one of the top ICSE schools in Patiala, a classroom routine make students always look forward to school. 

Why Arts Education is Crucial for 21st Century Skills | Best ICSE Prep Schools in Patiala

  The importance of arts education for kindergarten students cannot be overstated. While often overlooked in favor of more traditional subje...