Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Developing a Habit Of Reading

Acquiring the habit of reading is an integral part of learning. in the times of coronavirus when digital education has taken over as a medium of imparting education, one should keep in mind that there has never been a more compelling time to instill the habit of reading in children while growing up. 

Kaintal Prep School, the best ICSE Schools in Patiala, has enlisted the importance of developing the habit of reading regularly:

Improves Intellect

Reading various genres of books goes on to increase the knowledge of the child. Encouraging your child to read books or newspapers will go a long way in adding that little bit of knowledge every day.

Best Way to Learn a Language

Reading books is considered to be the best way to gain knowledge specifically if it's not your mother tongue. To learn a language this is the best way, especially if it isn’t your mother tongue. Most of the Indian household don't have English as their spoken language on the day to day basis. Reading books, journals, newspapers, even comic books is one of the best ways to learn English. Moreover, reading adds to the vocabulary more than spoken English does. 

Improves Imagination, Creativity

Reading books, especially books based on fiction, help you imagine to imagine a story in your mind which in turn improves the imagination. This, in turn, enhances their creativity. And a creative mind will ensure success in whatever the child chooses to do in life. Moreover, creativity enhances the decision making capability of the child.

Books, Best Friends for Life!

As the saying goes books can be best friends for life and developing a habit of reading in your child can be a great thing. This can come to rescue if a child doesn’t have siblings or friends to play with. It will save the child from boredom and will prevent the child from slipping into bad habits.

A Storehouse of Wisdom

There's a lot one can learn from books. Reading books can help build wisdom in a child. It helps them to possess endless wisdom. Reading motivational stories or autobiographies teaches young minds lessons they imbibe for the rest of their lives.

We at Kaintal Prep School, top ICSE Schools in Patiala, believe there are endless benefits of reading. Parents too at home should encourage children to develop a habit of reading. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Life Skills and It's Importance

Life skills are a set of basic skills acquired through learning directly from life experiences. Such skills enable individuals to effectively handle issues and problems encountered commonly in daily life. These skills are important as they help individuals in dealing effectively with the events and challenges of everyday life. Kaintal Prep School, one of the best ICSE schools in Patiala, explains the essential life skills and their importance.



A skill that is needed to work with people specifically to transfer and receive messages either in writing or verbally. Anybody well-versed in this life skill comes out with a strong personality.




Decision Making is not only an important life skill but also reflects good leadership quality that an individual holds. The skill is entitled to understand problems and find a perfect solution to it along with the help of others and then take action to address them.




To be conscious of one's feelings and character refers to the ability of Self- awareness. self-awareness not only helps a person to have a clear mind but also helps to keep your emotions in control. It plays an important aspect in the development of emotional intelligence.




To be able to work in a group or an organization to achieve a common goal refers to Cooperation. Cooperation helps you to achieve qualities like teamwork and leadership. It is important to cooperate when working in a group to maintain healthy relations with them so that tasks are completed smoothly and goals accomplished.


Students have the capability and the knowledge, but when needed to convert it to appropriate actions can be done through the help of life skills. Keeping this in mind, Kaintal Prep School, the top school in Patiala, suggests including life skills in the school curriculum.

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