Monday, October 26, 2020

Art and Craft and It's Benefits


“This world is but a canvas to our imagination” – Henry David Thoreau 

Be it colouring with crayons or folding paper to create origami designs; many art and craft activities allow students to explore their artistic potential. Art and craft as a subject is often sidelined in the formal education set up and is rapidly disappearing. By introducing school art and craft activities, we at Kaintal Prep School, the best ICSE prep schools in Patiala consider it an investment in building cognitive and social development.  


It is no secret that children love to do art and craft activities during their free time. Let us explore the importance of school art and craft and discover the many ways in which it helps your child grow: 


Inculcation of Coordination and Motor Skills


Art and crafts require children to use both hands in a specific manner, which helps them develop fine motor skills and bilateral coordination. Simple school art and craft tasks like drawing dots, joining lines or even cutting paper with scissors can help them develop these skills faster and become more efficient in other day-to-day activities.  


Language Development

School art and craft encourages students to discuss what they made and how they made it. It will, in turn, improve their communication and language skills. The time when your child completes an art project, he will tell you all about the project and their crafty creation. As they talk about their school art and craft, they develop language skills, which also enhances their vocabulary.  


Visual Learning and Memory


Through school art and craft, a child not only learns about new figures, shapes, and colors but also improves his visualizing and memorizing abilities. Art and crafts require children to visualize and create complex designs that help boost academic performance as well. As art and craft have no specific standard of judgement, it provides students with a safe place to express their thoughts and showcase their creativity.  


Express Through Creativity


Pursing school art and craft has the inherent benefits of encouraging a child to exercise critical thinking, de-stress, explore his or her individual creativity, and enhance the learning process in an enjoyable way. It is essential for the perfect indication of a healthy education system.  


Kaintal Prep School, being the top ICSE schools in Patiala believes education and craft should move hand in hand to make your child break free from the norms of traditional learning and watch them grow. 

Monday, October 12, 2020

Help Students Become Global Citizens

Our world is becoming increasingly complex and small. The Internet has brought the world together, humans have never been more connected or interdependent. Global citizenship refers to the rights and responsibilities that come with being a member of a global community. It binds one to be entitled as an individual whose actions support the community’s purpose and values. 


With this ever-growing community of ours, there is a need to nurture and cultivate children who understand the concept of humanity and are responsible for a better future. Kaintal Prep School, the best ICSE Prep Schools in Patiala, understands this responsibility as an institution responsible for shaping the future of young minds. Sharing the list of ways through which teachers can help the students in becoming global citizens.



Preach compassion among the pupils. Global citizenship brings along a whole set of rules, rights, regulations, and responsibilities. These rights, responsibilities, and values are consistent with the concept of “humanity”; being benevolence, mercy, as well as the thirst for knowledge and the willingness to help others. 



Global Citizenship should be introduced to the students as a mindset rather than just a part of the curriculum. The heart of global citizenship lies in humanity. When students are aware of the wider world and have a sense of their role as world citizens, it is easier to meet the needs of a peaceful and prosperous world.



A global citizen always upholds and values diversity in society. Try to teach the students that people of different ethnicities, origins, and philosophies can co-exist peacefully.


Global citizenship nurtures respect and tolerance for others, global awareness, and empathy. Kaintal Prep School, being the best preparatory schools in Patiala, suggests that it is important to bring in a global perspective and demonstrate global citizenship for the citizens of tomorrow.

Why Arts Education is Crucial for 21st Century Skills | Best ICSE Prep Schools in Patiala

  The importance of arts education for kindergarten students cannot be overstated. While often overlooked in favor of more traditional subje...