Monday, May 31, 2021

Benefits of Social/Emotional Learning

SEL is a cycle wherein people figure out how to get the instruments, information, and skills so they can comprehend and deal with their feelings, define and accomplish uplifting objectives, feel and show sympathy for other people and build up and keep up certain connections.

Here are some of its benefits as explained by one of the top ICSE schools in Patiala.

Enhanced Academic Performance

Creating more solid social/emotional capabilities improves the performance of students in scholastic activities. In a 2014 study, SEL was found to raise students’ accomplishment levels. The essential soft skills that students lean and acquire through SEL improve their outlook towards school and therefore boost their academic performance. When students know that their sentiments will be heard and considered, it becomes far simpler for them to unwind and pay attention at school.

Fewer Problems with Behavior

Children occupied with SEL are less problematic in school. Studies have shown these advantages continue in the long run as SEL understudies actually have 10% less mental, behavioral or substance misuse issues by the age of 25. For instance, if a student can figure out how to discover their voice and express outrage properly, it could keep that person from acting improperly and harming personal and formal relationships.

Reduced Emotional Discomfort

SEL students have fewer instances of depression, anxiety, nervousness, stress and social withdrawal/ isolation as proven by Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale. SEL programs really improve students’ inhibitory control, organizational and planning skills and multitasking. As children practice the new behaviors and skills that they learn in SEL programs, they foster more grounded self-regulation abilities.

Positive Social Conduct

Students coexist better with others, their teachers, and parents as proven by research. Social connection abilities and self-knowledge — fundamental for students to create and look after healthy relationships and associations with companions, parents and instructors—are the outcomes of SEL. Close student-teacher relationships make students perform better in school and have positive long-lasting outcome especially when teachers encourage students to accept and combat challenges outside the classroom.

Being the one of the best schools in Patiala, we believe SEL is a cycle, and hence requires time, persistence, and particularly teachers that are focused on giving a protected and caring learning climate.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Helping Kids Deal with Pandemic Fatigue

The coronavirus pandemic has gone on for longer than we all expected and wanted. We have all been living in a state of uncertainty and fear for a really long time as the virus continues to disrupt our lives. People are growing tired of restrictions and staying indoors, not being able to meet their loved ones and carry out activities like in the pre-pandemic days. This has resulted in pandemic fatigue, which is affecting children even more than grown-ups.

Being the top ICSE Prep school in Patiala, we are sharing some important tips that will help you to reduce pandemic fatigue in your kids.

Make Mask-wearing Fun

It’s true that wearing masks 24x7 is not easy or healthy, but it is mandatory to practice caution and wear a mask (correctly!) while out in public. It can be boring for kids to wear masks so make it fun by decorating them with motifs of their favorite cartoons, animals, superheroes and TV characters. Customize their masks for different outfits so that they are excited to wear them. Involve them in this activity, which will also make for a fun summer holiday project!

Fragrant Hand Sanitizers

The usual hand sanitizers have a sharp, pungent smell that can irk kids. To get them to use hand sanitizers more frequently, use sanitizers with seasonal fragrances that will appeal to the children. Just make sure that the sanitizers are good quality and do the job they are designed for and the scents don’t irritate your kids.

Empower Your Kids

Educate and empower your children to refuse to play with and interact with family members or friends who are not wearing masks and are not social distancing. This doesn’t have to get awkward, make your children say no to COVID-19 rule breakers in a polite yet firm way without turning this into a full-blown fight. After all, safety and health come first.

Meeting Friends Online

It’s quite a challenge for kids to stay apart from their friends for so long. Allow them some time during the day to connect and bond with their friends virtually, either through video calls or fun, healthy online games. They will surely thank you and love you more for it!

The pandemic is not easy for anyone. But we need to be extra careful with kids. Being one of the top ten schools in Patiala, we think it’s best to let them express their emotions in a healthy way. If they don’t want to, that should be okay too.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Here’s How Dance Helps Children in Education

Dance is a highly liberating experience for everyone, including kids. Being one of the top ICSE Schools in Patiala, we value dance in the school curriculum because of the following benefits it provides:

Good for Physical Health

Dancing is one of the most fun ways of exercising and staying fit. When children develop a love for dance at an early age, it sticks with them through their adult years as well, helping them stay motivated to keep fit. It enhances their flexibility, improves posture, results in better range of motion, and leads to overall healthy body growth and development.

Good for Emotional Health

Dance provides a safe outlet for children to express themselves. When children dance in a free environment, they are able to express their emotions more freely and openly. All their joys, feelings, emotions and thoughts can find a healthy conduit through the incredible art of dance. This is highly important for good emotional health of the kids as it gives them an opportunity to become emotionally mature and boosts their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Good for Socialization

Dance can be performed solo or in group. For kids it’s more fun when done in a group setting with their peers as it enables them to interact with other people and make new friends. In dance classes, children work as part of a team coordinating with each other’s movements thus learning various team-based skills like healthy co-operation, patience and collaboration. These healthy social interactions can develop into lifelong friendships even.

Good for Creativity

There are many activities that develop a child’s creative faculties. However, there’s nothing quite like dancing. Dancing provides children a chance to express themselves creatively using and also improving their imagination. In fact, dancing is a highly creative art form as it inspires children to move their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Not only this, it also helps them to thin critically as well. They also learn how to build trust.

Good for Cognitive Development

Dancing is not just about physical movement. It also teaches them discipline and time management. How? Because they have to manage their school, dance classes, homework, other extracurricular activities, time with friends and family. All this requires them to be active, organized and disciplined. They have to be dedicated, focused and sincere in how they balance all these things.

Dance gives kids many benefits in their life and education. At Kaintal Prep School, one of the best preparatory schools in Patiala, we inculcate dance into our curriculum for a holistic educational experience.

Why Arts Education is Crucial for 21st Century Skills | Best ICSE Prep Schools in Patiala

  The importance of arts education for kindergarten students cannot be overstated. While often overlooked in favor of more traditional subje...