Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tips to Build Time Management Skills in Students

Everyone has the same hours of hours in a day. Isn't it true that you never have enough time to do all you desire, let alone everything you need to do as a student? What are some of the most effective time management tips for students?

Between studying for exams, enrolling in new classes, reading books, writing papers, and finding time for office hours, you have a lot on your plate as a student. You'll be one step closer to reaping the advantages of effective time management and building optimum study habits if you can master any or all of these time management tactics.

Kaintal Prep School the ICSE Prep School in Patiala shares the following advice to assist them manage their time:

1. To plan ahead, use a calendar.

Time management requires the use of a calendar. The only way to keep track of a hectic schedule is to prepare ahead of time. Students should take a wide picture of their obligations at the start of each term by recording them into a paper or digital calendar. Assignment due dates and exam periods for all courses should be color-coded on the calendar, with red denoting deadlines and green denoting examinations, and so on.

Fixed obligations, such as class schedules and job shifts, should also be included on the calendar, which should be updated on a regular basis.Looking at this graphic representation reveals both open and hectic periods. Heavy weeks will be obvious right away, and those are the times to prepare for.Planning ahead of time is the best approach to prevent missing deadlines.

2. Prioritize using the A-B-C approach.

Setting priorities, or deciding what to concentrate on first, is another important aspect of time management. This is how the A-B-C technique of job prioritisation works. Make a list of all pending tasks. Then assign an A, B, or C to each task:

A - it has to be finished today

B – I'd want to complete today.

C – if necessary, can be pushed until tomorrow.

3. Take a lot of breaks.

Because intense focus is exhausting, it's important to take pauses when doing something that demands your undivided attention. I've learnt not to try to concentrate too hard. When I have a writing deadline or need to grade papers, I take a break to do something dull like washing.

To summarise, it is not required to develop effective time management practises all at once. Implementing one or more of the suggestions on this list can help you set realistic and modest goals. Choose a few of these suggestions that you think will be most valuable to you or will make the others easier to execute.

Being one of the top ICSE schools in Patiala, Kaintal Prep School keeps track of your progress and congratulate you on even small efforts toward better time management.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Why Should You Encourage Students in Creative Activities

Do you want to see a complete development in your child? Let’s make the thing clearer. As a parent, you must find some essential skills in your child that can help them to succeed on their academic pathway and in their life. Surely you look for these skills in your child. But it does not always come naturally in your child, rather you have to involve your child in some creative activities so that they can open their creative wings of thinking, discovering, exploring, and expressing them in the most approaching manner. Kaintal Prep School, the best ICSE school in Patiala believes in the power of creative learning which includes music, dance, art, drama, etc, and also encourages their students to learn a creative form besides their academic study. It is because; the benefits of creative activities for students are endless.

A Brief Overview Of Creative Activities:

Before you look at the benefits of creative activities in the life of a student, it is important to get a clear idea about the creative activities that your child will love.

·       Art & Crafts: It includes drawing, crafting, playing with textured paint, making clay models, and many more.

·       Drama: Drama is such a creative art that a child will love to play. It will also give you pleasure as a parent.

·       Music & Dance: If you think that your child is more interested in music and dance than the other art forms, you must help them to find an environment for them.

What Are The Importance Of Creative Activities For Students?

If you encourage your child to try out new things and develop a passion for them, it will help your child to grow intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially.

·       Physical Development: If you encourage your child in some creative activities such as arts, music, dance, craft from the very childhood, it will help the child to develop their senses most properly. It will help develop fine motor skills, more control, and coordinating power. They learn how to use their senses while connecting with the environment and connect with their surrounding things. For example, if you involve your child in music, then they will learn how to hold the musical instrument and how to coordinate the senses according to it.

·       Intellectual Development: Creative activities help children to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skill. So, when they will grow up. These skills will help them to do better in their academic field. This is why Kaintal Prep School Patiala always suggests the parents involve their child in any of the creative fields from a very early age so that they get the benefits in their entire life.

·       Social Development: As a parent, you must want your child to be a good human being by developing good manners with others. So, being together in a creative environment will help your child to share and interact with each other. So your child will be able to develop their social skills such as communication, sympathy, love, respect, etc.

Kaintal Prep School, one of the best ICSE schools in Patiala organizes several cultural functions and encourages the students to participate actively.

Journeying Through Books and Literature in Preschoolers | ICSE Affiliated Prep Schools in Patiala

Preschoolers are at a crucial stage in their development, and one of the best ways to foster their cognitive, emotional, and linguistic grow...