Monday, May 20, 2019

Classroom Collaboration Activities For Toddlers

Collaboration in the classroom helps students to think more deeply and creatively about a subject and develop more empathy for others' perspectives. While working in a group students develop the skills of teamwork and cooperation. 

Kaintal Prep School one of the best ICSE Prep schools in Patiala gives you an insight into some of the collaborative classroom activities:

• Playing Games

Preschool’s fun games are where students explore a relevant aspect of games in a learning context and are an important part in developing life skills in them. Games inculcate skills such as problem-solving, thinking skills, teamwork and make children critical thinkers.

• Storytelling

Storytelling is an excellent way to inculcate language skills in a child. It inculcates curiosity among them and they build strong emotions among the kids. Collaboration in storytelling is when you show a child a picture and ask them to build a story around it and other children incorporate their inputs and complete it. 

• Collaborative Conversation

This means giving each and every student a chance to participate in the discussions. Here the student having the best speaking skills is not kept in the spotlight but rather all the students are given an equivalent chance. 

• Pairing Partners

Pairing children among groups of two where children work on a project or exchange ideas with each other. With pairing activities such as role, plays can also be given to the students where they learn to speak in different situations. 

• Matching and Sorting 

Children work on a task and encourage the use of the vocabulary, and at the same time encourage the use of the language of making suggestions, justifying opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, etc. This is done through use of flashcards can be used for matching, sorting or ranking.

It is important to inculcate collaboration among children at an early stage as they will need them in the future this is why Kaintal Prep School, preparatory schools in Patiala encourages collaborative learning. 

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