Monday, September 23, 2019

Teaching Mannerism and Etiquette to Toddlers

Every parent, teacher and caregiver is vested with one of the most important jobs of teaching etiquette and mannerism to toddlers. By teaching manners to children you are instilling values of kindness and respect in them.

Kaintal Prep School, listed among the preparatory schools in Patiala highlights some ways through which you can teach mannerism and etiquette to toddlers.

Be Polite

Children learn by observing their adults. So, in order to make them use words such as thank you, sorry, welcome, you should initiate. When the kid will observe you using these words, he will imitate you and develop a habit of doing the same.

Use Appropriate Language

Toddlers do not have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. They will imitate everything they hear from you. So, it becomes your responsibility to use appropriate words in order to make them learn better.

Teach Them to Greet

Teach the children to greet everyone they meet. Tell them to make eye contact with the person they are greeting. Developing interacting abilities in children makes it easier to instil morals and values. 

Practise Patience

Toddlers often lack patience; they tend to throw tantrums their unreasonable demands aren’t fulfilled immediately. Teach them to have patience by pointing out that their unruly behaviour and by educating them about the same.

Be a Good Guest and to Practise Table Manners

It is very essential for your child to follow certain guidelines whenever they are out. They should know how to greet the hosts, use polite language and follow basic table manners. Teach them to wash their hands before and after meals, lay down the napkin on their lap and to clean after they are done eating. The best way to teach them these manners is to talk them through it and practise it with them until it becomes a habit.

Patience is the key when you are teaching your child mannerism and etiquette. Kaintal Prep School, an ICSE prep school in Patiala believes that mannerism and etiquettes come first in the development of each child which is we include mannerism in our school curriculum.

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