Monday, March 2, 2020

Parenting Tip: Storytelling to Kids

It’s a given that children love stories. Stories have a tendency to flip the situation for the better. Wondering how to make your kid finish up his meal or just want him to stop throwing tantrums? Tell them a story instead of handing over the phone to him. 

Besides getting entertained, it offers myriad benefits for children and facilitates their overall development. Storytelling can create a lasting impression in their growing years. Whether you read their favorite storybook or narrate a personal experience or life experience, storytelling will always affect their brain and help them to learn and retain for a longer period of time. Also, storytelling can indulge you in quality time with your kid and make them happy.

Kaintal Prep School, listed as one of the top ten schools in Patiala, familiarizes you with the benefits of storytelling. You should always narrate a story to your kid at home before going to sleep. It will help your child sleep better.

Few benefits of storytelling in childhood:

1. Moral Values Development

Stories make a huge impact on children. Development of attributes like honesty, helpfulness and gratitude can be inculcated with the help of stories.

2. Makes them a Good Listener

Storytelling can make your child a good listener. You can gain their attention by narrating the story with voice modulation and gestures. Once you have bought your kid's attention to you, your child will be all ears to you. This way it will make them a good listener. 

3. Makes them more Curious

A storytelling session once a day can generate their curiosity to discover new things. Pausing a story in the middle can spark up their curiosity and encourage them to ask questions related to it.

4. Improves Concentration

Listening to a story, your child pays attention to you and concentrates on you and your spoken words. This exercise daily will increase the level of concentration which will help in learning and academics.

5. Ignites Imagination

If a story is told in a correct way, it generates curiosity and excitement which further ignites the imagination of your child and takes the child into a whole new world. A well-narrated story with fantasies and magic and mythical elements can make them creative thinkers. 

These are some benefits that storytelling has. Storytelling benefits the child’s brain development in various ways and reflects in their education. Kaintal Prep School, ICSE schools in Patiala focuses on these amazing benefits of storytelling which will create a huge impact on your child. 

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